2007년 10월 25일 목요일

Week7 1.2.5~7

Virtual reality is an environment which is produced by a computer and seems very like reality to the person experiencing it.

-The immersive, interactive experiences provided by new forms of image and simulation technology.

-‘Places’ and ‘Spaces’ created by or within communications networks.

Cyberspace--- Two kind of VR- immersive VR- VR of online networkCyberspace feature fusion in the same frame* embodiment A future scenario- Virtual actors- Computing power and bandwidth- Technological imaginaryVR -Telematic, Sensory(Personal experience), conncectivity( World linked)

Virtuality is same meaning with a 'reality' in dictionay but what is really diffenrent with two of these confusing theme? I guess virtuality is simulation of a real by human.

2007년 10월 13일 토요일

Week6 1.2.4


Week6 1.2.3

Dispersal - the product of shift in our relationships

Consumption - differentiated audience is no longer a mass audience

Mass media(old media) - one way ex) TV, radio

New media - interchange information to many direction

Multiplicity - communicate message at object use different way

Production - traditional bound aries and definitions between different media process break down contentx can be reworked for dozen of different outlet

this weekend blog

2007년 10월 10일 수요일

2007년 10월 7일 일요일

Week5 1.2.1~2

1. analogue vs digital-analogue ->physical propertiessampling->quantization->encoding =>digital-digital ->binary numeric form2. digital tech vs visual literacy
-digital technology - embrace all areas involved art
can dify
-visual literacy - embrace the fluid
1. ideological vs interactivity
-ideological - old media, passive consumption
-interactivity - new media
2. 2paradigms of interaction
->extractive & immersive
3.instrumental view (banking,email..) & ideological view(focused on value)
-interpretation -misunderstood
-definition- keep changing
I just thought media was kind of feedback in the past during the class.
I mean someone drew paintings and made somethig for letting people know thing-history,
history fact...and....
But these days new media is interactivity.
for example TV, email, internet.... <-this is new media
We can recognize the continued relationship between you and media, other person or something