2007년 12월 17일 월요일

Week10 1.4.2

new media and the modernist concept of progress

- Computer artists come to the instrument from art rather than computer science.(Youngblood 1999:48)
- In the name of 'progress' our official culture is striving to force the new media to do the eork of the old.(McLuhan and Fiore 1967a : 81)
- Deferred future of new media :because of technological underdevelopment. :be used and understanding according to older, existing practices and ideas.-The view of modernist aesthetic :medium has to be genuinely new from the past and old mediacomment
All of thechologies are from art related to old media and new media. art is not just art.
art is base on thechology I think. just like our mother.

2007년 12월 12일 수요일

Week15 1.6.5 Last class

'the medium is the masage'

I think that this sentence is very important.And,

'the new media are not brigdes between man and nature' .They are nature.Mcluhan famously views technology as 'extensions' of human capacities and senses.

Definition of technology poses increasingly complex questions as technology itself become more complex :

1. humans and machines 2. Causally 3. 'self-extending' 4. the question of technology in culture

If we answer 4 in the negative, then we see how the question of technology opens onto the question of the physical basis of culture.MetaphysicalRealism and NominalismSoft determinism - means determinist consequences resulting from indeterminate causes.‘What then are the consequences of taking the physical effects of technology seriously?’This question is final question.It entails that we can no longer separate physical from cultural processes, or matter from meaning.All medium is 'extentsions of man'.This is conclusion.I think that if medium is conecting all human's sense.So, learn about medium is fun. It's unlimitted

2007년 12월 7일 금요일

Week 14 1.6.4

* The many virtues of Saint McLuhan 1. The extension thesis 2. The environmental thesis ex)robocop 3. The anti-content thesis ex) the medium is the message

* thesis ->opinion, view point

* Aristotle- soul(basic), body(tool)
* Marx - Nature is not so fast, but it can be changed by human.
* Kapp- compare human organ and technology
* Bergson- prosthetic

I just like with McLuhan's thingking. The medium is the message. In the past people think only contents. Because the contents is one's thinking and essence. So it is important, we must find it. However, today it is changed. The medium is imoportant too. Because when you get the information as different way, you feel different. For example, we can see the event at the newpapers or TV. Newpapers can say to you with anyone's viewpoint. at the same events different newspapers can say to you differently. TV is likely to be differently. But we can see CNN news about USA and IRAQ war. Or We can see IRAQ broadcast about same problem. Are they same? No they are different. So it is so important we see the essence.